Translation Services
I am a professional translator from English and French into Italian, which is my native language.
For each translation project I work on, I strive to use the most appropriate terminology, to be painstakingly precise and to take care of all the specific requirements and details set forth by the text itself and by my clients.
What ingredients do I put into the mix? At least three: time, care and dedication.
Fields of expertise
Patent Translations

When you translate a patent, you are required to adhere to a strict procedure and to follow specific rules with the utmost precision and thoroughness. For example, the target text in Italian has to replicate the structure of the source text: everything contained in the original document, down to the last comma, has to be into the final text as well.
So far, I have translated over 700 patents in the most diverse fields: the mechanical, chemical, confectionery, pharmaceutical, textile, automotive, medical and food-related industries.
Web-oriented Translations

Do you need tag titles? Keywords? Meta descriptions? A SEO-friendly and SERP-optimized text?
Nowadays translating a website just is not enough. You need a translator who can also edit your text and make it linguistically effective and impactful for the web environment and its ever-changing demands.
The web and its specific forms of communication never fail to fascinate me. My experience is the added value I am proud to offer all my clients.
Legal Translations

Translating legal and administrative documents is a fascinating and very challenging task and it requires specific attention and care. You have to make sure to recognize any difference in meaning and be able to search for the right words in order to convey the same concepts in the target language.
Legal documents I have previously worked on include private law-related texts, contracts, agreements, NDAs, certificates, EU documents.
The translation process steps
(aka: how I handle my projects)
While it is true that each translation has its own unique features, the same goes for translators: we all develop our own methodology and change it according to the specific task involved.
My translation process is usually made up of four steps, namely translation, revision, proofreading and a final and “relaxed” reading. They are not so neatly defined; sometimes I repeat the same step twice, or an extra step is needed. One rule, however, reigns supreme: not one of these four steps can be ignored.
Gesualdo Bufalino, an Italian writer, used to say that translators are like lovers to the text, and I could not agree more. The translation step is when you get to know the text in all its nuances: meaning, terminology, technicity, style and tone. Every single aspect needs to be weighed and understood. The result is a first draft in Italian of the English or French source text.
I call it the review step, but to be honest it is kind of a second translation, because the text is already there, revealed and thoroughly examined. Any doubt or issue have come to light and need to be solved. Terminology, completeness and the accuracy of all references have to be double-checked. The result is a second and semi-finalized version of the final text.
This is when the source text is no longer relevant and all attention is focused on the target version of the text in Italian. Are all commas well placed? Have all double spaces been eliminated? Are there any typos left? In the proofreading step, my focus is on solving these issues and on refining the text by checking that all its parts work smoothly together, reading like the original text.
At this point the text has gained its definitive form, but it is not quite ready. Before handing it back to the client, there is one final step that needs to be addressed for it to be perfect: it has to be printed, rest for a few hours (or a few days, when possible) and be read again. Waiting and having the text on paper can do a lot of good, ensuring a more critical and careful reading.