1 Professional Translator and Content Creator
Here I am: my name is Alice de Carli Enrico and I work as a translator and content writer.
What inspires me in my work is the love I have nurtured for communication, language and challenges ever since I was a child. Translating and creating content are all about these three things: they require linguistic sensitivity, they create a connection between different cultures and they constantly challenge you.

2 language pairs
I translate from French and English into Italian, my native tongue
3 fields of expertise
- Translation of Patents
- Translation of Legal and EU documents
- Translation of Websites
Over 6,600,000 words translated
Over 6,600,000 words translated: this is my experience in numbers. I began translating as a professional in 2010 and I have never stopped since then
Over 950 articles, and much more...
Since 2010, I have written over 950 articles about a wide range of topics, but also blog posts, landing pages, newsletters and info product sheets
What my clients say
Alice de Carli Enrico has been an excellent student attending my courses on Patent Translation, and I also have had the privilege to know her professionalism and skills as stagist and freelance translator for my agency. I highly suggest working with her for all your translation needs.
Very pleased with the quality of Alice’s work and her professionalism. Will definitely be using her again in the future.
Il lavoro è sempre stato svolto con cura e puntualità, nel rispetto delle istruzioni impartite, pertanto ci dichiariamo pienamente soddisfatti del suo operato.
Alice is highly professional in her work, with a great attention to detail and a deep understanding of the way language works. She communicates well when working remotely and produces quality results in a timely manner. Highly recommended.
I had the opportunity to work with Alice for a translation project, which made me appreciate her translation qualities. Not only did she deliver the text earlier than agreed, but the stylistic quality of her Italian was very high. Alice was very cooperative, attentive and precisely followed instructions. She proactively discussed different translation solutions to guarantee an excellent result.
Alice is a very talented translator, meticulous and precise. Her distinguishing feature is the search for perfection and accuracy in her work. She never misses a deadline, moreover she is a precious colleague to work with. Words are her world.
Il lavoro che la dottoressa Alice de Carli Enrico ha svolto per la nostra agenzia è stato incentrato sulla traduzione di testi a carattere brevettuale (meccanica, chimica, I.T.). Ha dato prova di un’ottima preparazione e competenza, sapendo gestire al meglio il proprio compito con professionalità. Il risultato del lavoro svolto è stato sempre caratterizzato da grande precisione e dal puntuale rispetto dei tempi di consegna.
Partecipando attivamente alla traduzione dall’inglese all’italiano dei “Principles, Definitions and Model Rules of European Private Law — Draft Common Frame of Reference (D-CFR)” nei ristrettissimi tempi imposti dalle istituzioni dell’Unione europea, la dottoressa de Carli Enrico è stata particolarmente apprezzata dal team di giuristi revisori dell’Università di Torino per la sua professionalità, competenza, precisione e puntualità.
La dottoressa ha dimostrato infatti di possedere approfondite conoscenze giuridiche oltre che linguistiche, qualità che la rendono una preziosa risorsa per la traduzione di documenti legali.